Assalamualaikum and Hi.
I've been pretty busy here eventhough it is semester break? with what? adalah ;) Well. Somehow in this busy fussy moment, daily situation is something we really never miss. I mean problems. What a way of explaining. I meant problems all! And how do I categorize things as problems?
First, the major problem, is when it comes to men. Yeah, I know how important a Hablum min an-nas is but to create one, Mashaa Allah. Can men just not understand a woman's gestures or signs that when we do not respond, it means go away but if we respond and be nice, then only it means stay and stay means STAY. =) Haha. Well. Do I have that 'please stay' guy? maybe =) Whatever it is, I know Allah has everything jot in the Luh Mahfuz, and my mom and dad will decide what is best so CALM DOWN AND ENJOY YOUR BACHELOR-SHIP! Well well well.. Look what I'm up to! ;) Hahaha. When men just requests for relationships, us women have to do a lot of thinking, especially about how our future will be, how would it be? But I admit, sometimes even if we know how the future would end, we can make pretty crazy decisions after all.... =) Wallahu'alam... =) There was one situation when somebody wants me to be his mahram for hajj or umrah (indirectly wants me to marry him). The offer is so tempting, but hey, I cannot just agree because of Mecca. Yeah I love Mecca, I love Madina. Maybe those are my some of my weak points but I felt something not right. And I took some time to think and at last I insist. =) Why? sebab cinta hatiku? Gahaha. Hilarious. Because I just never liked direct approach. I guess that's the answer. For sure not the only answer. He has the look, the harta, the pengetahuan and the akhlak. But I'm not really into him. and, I am just 20.... not even twenty... This coming October insyaaAllah... Whatever u are thinking, and whatever u've thought, girls, it is all written already so be cool =)
Okay, second of all, when I behave as if I'm gonna die in a minute and it's okay if it is towards Hablum min Allah, but this is in the contact of lagha.. ='( I spend much time on Facebook compared to Quran and knowledge. Ouh dear how do I slow this down. I made Facebook my 'please stay' thing. =) Since when did this last? Since I had Facebook. Since 2011 I think. =) Alhamdulillah I had no Facebook accounts during highschool. To observe how the kids younger than me behave on Facebook, I feel so thankful and grateful that I had no social media attachment at all. =) But hey, Facebook is not harm as whole. =) But Quran is much better, I mean it has many good as compared to Facebook. So why Ignore? =) Anyways it's the 13th of ramadhan and I'm on the 15th or 16th Juz. Alhamdulillah. Regardless of my busyness, and my sleepyheadiness, my driving 'career', my housewife activities and ramadhan, my fast... =) ouh, and not to mention my so-called blogging. =) So, i think the conclusion is I manage time very badly and I couldn't manage without assistance. =)
Also, how I find something a problem is when I have something I refuse to do but forced to. For example to study when I'm not in the mood to. =) Haha, but hey, will exams wait u? no right? So that was what happened last semester. =) Consequently, I had my grades so very thumbs down.. Then only I thought of shouldnt have been doing this and that but what is the point anymore. So head up, chin up, walk down the isle... eh2?? I mean move on... ;P haha... somehow, we have to look back into history so that we can reward ourselves some lessons... =) Other than studies, maybe to study?? as well... haha... I have problems with my studies lately. People call this culture shock. Vecause when u are at home u have your mom telling you to study but when u are at ur campus nobody can say anything about what you do. =/ Silly me.But, somehow I enjoy taking language classes. And those are how the grades help my CGPA =o Silly me again... Ouh, and my teachers. I refuse to learn when I find my teachers offensive, too strict and not strict at all are problems to me. =) Well2.. I should have behaved I know... I know I won't ever get the teacher I want her attitude to be like, so then I have to adapt with the surroundings and the situation =) Chill !
This is not the last but lastly, =) a problem to me is when I become speechless and moveless and 'iced' (lol) to see sick people. Like how I am regretting and missing right now, on how I became speechless and moveless when I saw my late aunt fighting with cancer. Deep in my heart, I would really love to comfort her, tell her stories, encourage her, but then those are all regrets. =') I know. Arwah udak was a very kind person. And till now, the way she speaks just echos in my ears... They just hit my eardrums when I remember her. Seeing her children, alhamdulillah in great care of their father and insyaaAllah a great wife by his side, being tahfizs and tahfizah, I feel relievied. =) Some people may not agree, but hey, It is not important on how people see us do something. what matters is how Allah sees us. And hey, there nothing on earth which gets full support and is agreed by EVERY ENTIRE PERSON IN THE WORLD. Non, so as long it's according to Allah's syarak, and is not against it, move on. Do what you want.=)

and ouh, I'm running out of heels picts. I just get lazy downloading any for the moment so I'd like to share and feel and remember how the air in Mecca feels like when we breathe them in =) LOLoves, Mecca... InsyaaAllah I'll be there when I am again, mentally and physically ready. Allahuakbar. Please einvite me there. =)