Saturday, 24 August 2013


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يا اصدقأي~

Well3. It has been like decades since I last updated the blog (hyperbolic huhh..).. So I've been thinking for some relevant topics to be written but then I don't feel like writing about serious matters, so I came up with this topic. Routines. 

So what are some routines of mine that I practice daily or weekly or monthly or yearly or whatever is gradual and anual? =/  hehe... when it comes to thinking, I usually have no idea of what I usually do... =) 

Okay firstly, as what we can see and read I write on my blogs at least once a month. I previously write in a diary but found it much easier to just type and write and think in the same time, on my blog so,, here I am writing on my blog ^_^" and having the beautiful flower backgrounds and colors and fonts and sch, those things just enhance the mood to write. (haha...) 

Second of all, skin care is some routines I do but not too much. Let's just talk about look care. I do not do make-up-ing but recently I like to just apply some foundations or BBs. If you know what those are. I'm new too. (haha...) My sisters introduced them to me. My baby sisters yea. (az21na is so outdated you know -.-") Since I rarely meet my family, maybe only on weekends, so each time I go home I'll look for my 'special' cloth-wear to just be in the mood of meeting my beloved ones. =) Hijab. I'm a Hijabis,, I am very particular about how I put on my hijab. (of course, each and every woman has to be particular, not to intentionally look pretty but to make sure she covers  up her aurah).. So I prefer shawls, and I will consider some criteria before I own one or I wear one. =) Colour? Ouh. I'm a coriang type so, I don't really have problems about choosing. Shoes? I like them higher. =) Eventhough, it is not good for my spine structure, =D , I just can't refuse to seek the pleasure and satisfaction in them. Curves are curves. They happened. Now that I can't fix it so why worry ^_^" It is not that I have gave up, it is the fact, the reality =) 

Okay, so cooking routine. I hate cooking. to be honest. Because I just don't have talent and patience in doing such things. =) somehow I will become a wife so i'll have to fit in sooner or later ^_^" But if I cook, I like everything clean after I cook. The wall, the wok, the whatever la. Also, I like to be alone in the kitchen. =) and I like to put whatever I think will suit the dish. 3=) hahaha!

Supplementary routine? I mean in terms of medications. Erm, I prefer Evening Primerose Oil or Habatus Sauda' or Alfalfa or Spirulina or B-Complex . Those are particularly for skin or lady care. =) 

Yeah, last one, online routine. I've wrote about blogging routine, also, kerigu, the online routine such as emailing, facebooking, twitting, wechatting, whatsapping, whatever you call them, I do them everyday. Not to mention, the very light gaming. =) But I prefer playing wo paying. (stingy...) ^_^"

Hope I wrote well. So sleepy. =) So relieved. No stress for me and also for the ones reading. aamiin~ Also,, don't forget to pray for the the ones in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, the countries being prosecuted. Allah ma'akum~

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  1. Follow this blog...welcome to my blog
