Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi
Maha Penyayang.
Do you think the topic I'm 'bragging' is true? In my opinion myself. If I have
10 marks, I'll score it 100. I do agree without objections. Yes. No
objections. Parents are the persons we are relying on, so there is no
such word like conquering. Because they disagree for reasons. I said
REASONS not REASON which shows plural for the word reason.
For instance, you would like to follow a trip to somewhere your
teacher suggests. If and only if they disagree, that might be because
they are afraid you will get kidnapped and be sold to other countries,
or maybe they just want to be at the place together with you and maybe because
of some ridiculous excuses you might never had in your mind.
In my situation, I do not have the strength (I just can't) say no
to what my parents say. Not because they are conquering, In my
dictionary, conquer has never existed. Because I like to think and think
and think and imagine and I appreciate what they have done and what
they are doing for me and my two younger sisters. Just if you go
somewhere, observe a mother and her daughter. Observe how lovely and
passionate and patient she is upon entertaining the crying-all-day,
sulking, wants-everything you. Once you were a student, your art teacher
directed you to buy coloured-papers and glues, and colour pastels and scissors, they will possibly get them all for you even though
they were tired coming home from their office (or workplace).
I just cannot have the imagination getting the call saying they
are no longer on earth. No longer with us. Even to get married, to be
apart from them, I'll have to think twice. Because to me, my family is
my priority, of course after my religion. I just wonder if you noticed,
your family is your religion. Your teachers are your religion. The
people around you, they are your religion. everything around you are
your religion. Because if yo are well mannered enough to the communities
around you, your God blesses you. And if you are well-mannered the best
to your family, Allah blesses you to Jannah. How beautiful.
You cannot say you are independent to your parents. Look at you.
What you are wearing, what you are eating, what you are using, what you
are learning, where you are sleeping, everything, they all came from
your parents' effort upon supporting your living. MasyaAllah. How
wonderful. And to think again, what benefit do they have if they take
care of us? Why are they taking good care of us? It is because of LOVE.
Allah gave us all love which are so unique that we cannot express them
in words. Even until now, I don't know whether I have listed my points
to the end or not, because my parents are so unique to me. They are just
the most awesome parents on earth. And you must have yours.
The conclusion is that you should really take a very deep breath
and think again, if you get angry with your parents, recall everything
they have done and what they are doing for you. Untill this point, they
are trying their very best to make you feel comfortable with your
living. Even if you get sick, they will bring you to the clinic and let
you get the best medication so that you can get well soon. If they are incomeless,
or they have 'overbudgetted' throughout the month, they will work extra
hours to obtain money.

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)
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