Dengan nama Allah yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang.
Assalamualaikum muslims and to nonmuslims, hi.
My topic is regarding the urge of the 'world' to compete for non-akhirah stuffs, for instance academics and entertainments. At this moment, have you ever wondered if you have achieved your goals living on earth? We, muslims know that Allah created us so that we become good khaleefs, who serves for Allah. Since Allah has created us, gives us His Nikmats why is it so difficult for us to be thankful for everything we have?
In this era, people hunts for money to live luxurious life, to feel no hardship, to have all the ~est stuffs, to be the best among the best.. But have you forgotten who is the best among the best. Human beings are nobody but servants. Servants live to serve for their creator, in our case, is Allah. Just sit for a moment and think again, what is it exactly that you have learnt until this moment? Even if you are a graduate from the best University in your country, you are hafiz and hafizahs, you are the prime minister, you are the lecturer, you are the student , whoever you are.. Have you learnt each and every Allah's knowledge ? We, human beings do not have the ability to master Allah's knowledge. As like what people say, what we know is just like a drop of water from the sea. It is true. Ask yourself, what do you know and what you do not know. Even if you are a professor, there are questions you can not answer even though you are an expert in the field yourself.
My very one point is that no matter how far you chase for a life, it may be useless if you keep living without obeying Allah.. Islam is beautiful. Look to you right and left, up and down... Everything is Allah's and why must you disobey him when he gave us these beautiful things to live with. World's urge. To live ahead in the era, yes. you must be ahead together with them updated. But being updated with the world doesnt mean you have to leave what Allah asks you to do.
Allah is harmless if we disobey us, but it is us who are harmed for disobeying Him. How? Okay, some people who has not embrace Islam, even some Muslims,, they consider this statement as a threat. Human beings tend to make mistakes, but we somehow have the power to stop ourselves to do them. For instance, covering your Aurah. some people may see covering Aurah is a very simple matter, but who knows the hikmahs for this Syara'? As what we can figure out, it is to protect women from men's nafshin. True, the attraction between women and men are so unexpectable. Another we can think of is to let Islam has an identity. People can differentiate Muslims and nonmuslims for how they appear. Men with their songkoks and women with their Hijabs.

What about fasting? Why do Allah ask us to fast in the whole month of Ramadhan? It is to feel what the poor feel when they do not have food to eat and water to drink. What else? It is to help rest our digestion. Why do we have to rest our digestion system? I don't have the answer, perhaps the biologists do. To sum up, the need to compete on earth is necessary, but in condition, that is to obey the does and donts Syara' has fixed.
Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)
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