السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

It is the 1st time since appa gom got confirmed with the buldging thing that he drove all the way from Penang to Seremban *xde la all the way but it still concerns me sbb drive dr NT gi Penang pown makes him suffer a lot*. Risau dihati ni Allah je yg tahu, ye la I kan xde hati prsn so what concerns me have to be like the biggest things ever . Takut-takut he feels not comfortable and the back pain worsen his condition. Of course he feels uncomfortable. Alhamdulillah deah gom baru dapat P license last week so Alhamdulillah deah willing to drive for the next 2 hours. Since I cannot join them balik kg., so Kak pass the task to you dik ye.. Sorry. The pahala is urs when u help appa gom out insyaaAllah <3
A beautiful heel to share... source : Facebook
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