Sunday, 31 March 2013

I Want to be Forgiving, not Forgetting!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

Today is pretty much an emotional day for me. The reason? I have so many reason. I came across so many Facebook status and image shares about 'forgiving' somebody else. Alhamdulillah, since I was very small mom taught me to forgive people. =) and Alhamdulillah, being such an obedient little child, I made myself so used to forgive people. But now that I think I got mom's point really wrong. Mom says to forgive, but I forget instead of forgive. Now that when I forget, I never remember the consequences of the act and indirectly i'll just repeat the mistake. 

Ya Allah! I do realize how we react depends on the background we live. I'm pretty not sure what that means. But seriously, I need a little respect on me. To forgive frequently, yes, for sure i do consider for the reason I get mad and such but, no, pple never consider for what I feel when they totally repeat the same attitude as if nothing happened. I might be forgiving, but I have heart, I have soul, I have feelings. Breaking one's heart is indeed satisfying, you get yourself right and the others wrong, but your act might annoy people to death and make pple hate you even more. I honestly have to say this. I need your respect very much. I am totally dissapointed. =') Allah knows best.
I do not really have even a point writing this post. I just want myself really calm and this is how I do it. =) But somehow, dalam pada kesedihan yg melanda, I have got a beautiful-hearted friend till Jannah insyaaAllah. Alhamdulillah =) I am being understood. =) gomawo chingu ya...

Sedih2 gak, nah! a good one! a simple yet elegant one. =) Facebook source

Friday, 29 March 2013

Turutkan je lah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

There are so many miracles happening throughout our lives... Some are beneficial and some are not. So I came across this one thought when people around us tend to ask for something we ourselves are not sure  or not determined to do or not. Ok this sounds weird. It's like when somebody asks for something really hard for you to accomplish them. =) Hope I'm explaining it right. So, ottoke? Shall we insist or shall we just follow the flow?? =) 

As for me, selagi we can serve for the ones we love, go for it. =) Life is not forever. enjoy, make mistakes and live it.. =) Orang kata jauh b'jln luas pandangan. Yeah. I totally momally agree with the 'what ever you call it'... =) The more I go, the longer path i take, the hardest path I try, the rarest path I get into, the more I get to enjoy my once in a life time living... LOL.. Yeah, it's true. =) 

What concerns me is that the 'turutkan je lah' attitude, it might make me be a too sof-hearted parent. o.O kn??? Hmmm... that's y it is very important that a lady having a supportive friend (who ever that would be) to really really carefully raise somebody up. I want my future generations to grow up loving me and respecting me and the other friend, of course as much as I love my mom and dad, or perhaps more than that... <3 demand nyer bakal parent sorang ni.. cewah,, bakal... ape pown xde, nak bakal... gedik.. 

Haiyyo I've went too far.. =) It's very late at night. Hope what i write opens my kotak fikiran even wider and to have better plans in future insyaa Allah... =) 

و الله علم ... 

and this is a pair of heel i'd like to share in this post.. and the source, of course is from Facebook! 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

It's the 1st time - Thanks Deah Gom

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

It is the 1st time since appa gom got confirmed with the buldging thing that he drove all the way from Penang to Seremban *xde la all the way but it still concerns me sbb drive dr NT gi Penang pown makes him suffer a lot*. Risau dihati ni Allah je yg tahu, ye la I kan xde hati prsn so what concerns me have to be like the biggest things ever . Takut-takut he feels not comfortable and the back pain worsen his condition. Of course he feels uncomfortable. Alhamdulillah deah gom baru dapat P license last week so Alhamdulillah deah willing to drive for the next 2 hours. Since I cannot join them balik kg., so Kak pass the task to you dik ye.. Sorry. The pahala is urs when u help appa gom out insyaaAllah <3 

A beautiful heel to share... source : Facebook

Sunday, 17 March 2013

I Just Like The Idea to Spread

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته...

I am so pleasured today IDK why.. =) Anyways, regarding the topic. I just like the idea of spreading. Seriously, wether be it is information, nature, love or attitude. I'm a real active information sharer on Faceook. =) Hope to bring pleasure to other people to start their day..

Information? Yeah, i'll just tell pple what I know and how it happens and what happens next and the consequences. 

Nature?? Usually I'll share E V E R Y T H I N G and Amazing Things in the World on Facebook. These are my favorites. Since I did my foundation at Puncak Alam, Selangor, I fell in love with nature. I can see thousands of calming, soothing, inspiring bulb lights-like lights of a city (IDK what city it was because I never went out) from the top of a hill-Puncak Alam. So my aunt took me to a place named i-City where the city exhibits a lot of miniatures. and I was so amazed and speechless that night. 

Love. This is a big topic. Hehe. My mum has taught me to love everybody since I was small. I am very grateful to have her as my mom. Whenever we see people with babies, whoever it is, even if they are strangers, mom will definitely go to them and ask "where are you going little guy?" or "Hey little  baby! what's your name?" or "You are so beautifu!" or "what are you buying dear" or even "السلام عليكم".. =) In fact, even to adults, she encourages us to just say hi, or give a smile or at least just give a nod. Thats why when I show some respects and gets negative responses I'll just go moodless all day. hehee.. I know it is childish. But it is just how i grew up. Mom is so generous. That is why I am kind used to doing it. =) But not as much as mom does. *YAYY!!  BIG CLAP FOR MOMMY*

Attitude? hehe.. I would really love to have my own business. I know I am studying science. =) I would really like to have my own business offering baju Muslimaat and Shawls which won't langgar the syarak. I'd like to spread what I know about how to dress well as a Muslimaat on earth.. It's just sad and shameful seeing Muslimaat freely posting sexy, noncovered aurah pictures with out shame at all and 'at all' means AT ALL . =') And what's even worse, when people starts to argue and try to criticise, other people will back up the guilt one. Islam! I do not wish to see my younger generations doing all those. 
=) And so I have found a girl who is willing to help my dream come true. Hope everything goes real smooth. =)   Aamiin~

So here is a bridal heels I love so much and would like to wear on my best day! ;) Source : Facebook

Friday, 15 March 2013

Allah I need You~

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

I read a post on Facebook and it says we should say 

لا حول ولا قوة إلا با الله العلي العظيم ... 

whenever we feel depressed.. In Syaa Allah. 

Now that I am. Allah knows most. Because He's the one who gives me tests. =) 

Kejayaan xkn datang bergolek. 
Kegembiraan xkan semudah itu hadir. 
Kepercayaan takkan semudah itu datang. 
Kebahagiaan xkan semudah itu memanggil. 
Kesabaran xkan semudah itu tergugat. 
Kekuatan xkan semudah itu luntur. 
Semua nya tidak mudah.

Redhailah Qada' dan Qadar Nya, musibah Allah bukan untuk menyusahkan... =') malah mendatangkan sinar pada hari2 yang mendatang. 

There are more people facing tougher situations, az21na! 
Enjoy life all you can,,
but remember to obey Allah in the same time...

أستغفر الله العظيم
سبحا ن الله 
الحمد لله 
لاإله إلاالله 
الله أكبر 

Berkawan biar seribu, kasihku hanya satu.. =) dan akhi itu hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.. 

والله علم..

Thursday, 14 March 2013

What a Shame~

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

Alhamdulillah I joined the مسلمات at Maalik al-Khaalik (or Khaalik al-Maalik) Mosque to perform my Maghrib and Isya صلاة . After about 4 weeks of lecture, the very first time I went to the mosque to perform my night prayers. Last semester I went to the mosque daily which started at the last half semester also. إن شاءالله , things will get better and better.

Usually on Thursday nights, the muslims at the Maalik al-Khaalik (or Khaalik al-Maalik) mosque will recite سورة اليسن between the Maghrib and Isya prayer. Alhamdulillah, the reciting went well except for the Imaam went a bit fast. =) No big deal. What we should do was just to catch up. 

And then I performed Isya prayer by جمعة . A little girl -probably 6-7 years old (I'm not sure where she is from- dark skinned) , she prayed beside me. So what impressed me is that after performing solah, she immediately stood up and perform another 2 ركعة  of prayer. Ouh, since she was looking to some place wildly so I thought she was following what her mom did. *I was du'a-ing together with the Imaam* . 

So after the du'a, I turned my head around but I saw no same-raced woman there. So there was no mom which she 'imitated'-the prayer. After that, i stood up to perform my Rawaatib prayer. During my first ركعة , she stood up and started another prayer. So I was wondering, what sunnah prayer is she doing?? ماشاءالله ! It was a three ركعة prayer! It was Withr Sunnah Prayer... I was amazed. سبحان الله ! A 7 year old doing Withr. While me? I have never, to be honest, never ever remembered or purposely do my Withr solah , except during الشهر الرمضان .. 

أستغفر الله العظيم ... 

والله علم... 

A heel I adore . Source : Facebook

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Tough Yet Funny Part of My Life

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

I have been 'observed' *i guess* recently which I happen to know from a senior of mine and the observer made a big decision which affects my life . So, for all these years since I had a Facebook profile, I have never had the gut to delete n privatize my pictures in there. For the very first time in my life, yes, I deleted most albums in the profile excluded my profile and cover pictures. I am finally over one of the toughest part of my life.....

And what is so funny is that I dont even know if the observer observed me through Facebook or whatever.

PS: Please don't misjudge as if it is something so big. What u think is not the same as what I am going through. Saja nak kasi macam saspen. I mean, I want to tell but not everything. =) Happy to share this on my blog... =)

Ouh yes,, and... I have not posted any favorite shoe pic for quite some time. Here is one.

Monday, 11 March 2013

When The Time Comes

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters. 

2013 is quite a tough year for me. Even though it is just the beginning of the year, yes, I went through a lot of things sorrows and happiness, weirdness and a lot of new things such as my results, my relationship with Allah, human beings and to the surroundings. Alhamdulillah, even though I did not manage to confront everything so well, at least, I am still here able to Praise Allah the Almighty in my prayers. =) Brothers and sisters, we might never realize that we grow up and mature, we become a better Abdullah.

Subhanallah. When things become to knock on your own door, then we know and feel how the pain and happiness may lead us to become a better us. Something happened to me last night and this thing freaks me out like crazy. I know this will happen but not this fast Allah knows.  It is like seeing the storms further than hearing them. I dont really know what idiom am i using. I know I am very bad at it. 

Well, having the situation in my shoes unprepared, I had myself think for a while. Astaghfirullah. I have my parents and sisters treated not perfectly, my studies incomplete, my Quranic versions immemorized, my Tarjamah unread, my religion knowledge unfinished, my living skills undone... Ya Allah,, I have wasted so much time on earth doing nothing. =)

And in my du'as... I lost my words. I know He knows what I am facing. He knows how I feel, I just want to tell Him and ask Him for the best so that When my time comes for big decisions in my life, I can think wise and rationally to decide for myself and for my family as well.  

Monday, 4 March 2013


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

wondering if I can join Mandarin Language Class. LOL Does this show my greediness in learning English, Arabic and Mandarin in the same semester?? Ouh dear.. I haven'n consult dad but I do really want to learn it. Or should I learn the language in the future semester? 

I am really in a dilemma right now~

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Being somebody Else

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

I went through some situation lately and so, I did unfriend a few Facebook friends and unliked some unnecessary pages. I then realized that my actions was actually to become somebody else in front of this certain group of people. Ya Rabbi, I did not mean to become someone else, it is just that I am looking for a way to be a better person .Alhamdulillah thank Allah He has arranged my life well, meeting the right people on time, where I can learn life in an appropriate way and at appropriate age. But true, I am always looking forward to lead to a better life, religiously and personally but with the right guidance of course... Hope I get the du'as from my friends and family for a better me.. In syaa Allah... 
