Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Quick Post

بسم لله الرحمن الرحيم... 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

I am in the middle of bussy-ness so I can just update myself quick. I am very happy and thankful to the Almighty Allahu Kariim for creating such wonderful people around me. Alhamdulillah that I have a busy schedule yet beautiful hearted-people supporting me no matter what. Even though the semester is very important to me, I do really hope I can cope with the days and God bless us All. To love and to be loved, those matters will be considered soon. I have just realized, being 20 years old , is already considered a lady... No more kiddo world.. I guess... 

Well it's just that i kinda miss my foundation life. Even though it was kinda hectic, all I did was have fun.. I know... and I'm trying to do it here as well.. 

Alhamdulillah that my number of friend (y does that sounds too formal??) increases these days... Went to Arabic class with wonderfull classmates and teacher, TITAS is pretty interesting, MATHS subjects are so-so lah.... and English is ok la... It's really weird having lectures about Writting,, but seriously,, I made friends and it's cool having the subject as my minor... 

That's all.. ;) 


Shoe of the day : 
Took from Facebook in some Page.. It is just a shoe I like =)

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Flirting Muslimahs

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ... 

I am writing about this topic since I have experienced once or twice being flirted. As we know Muslimahs are very polite human beings. Some people interpret Muslimah as the very religious women in town and stuff. In my opinion, all Muslim women are Muslimahs and all Muslimahs should be religious ones.

To be honest, I do not really understand how Muslims should make their move upon starting a halal relationship . As a Muslimah, being in love is really something I would like to avoid since I am planning to further my studies and have my life and finance stable before I have my own family. And it is a norm when a lady starts getting hints from the guys that they like her or stuff like that. I am a lady I can accept the fact now. LOLs. I had quite a few experiences being flirted which I am not proud of but I am proud that Alhamdulillah I can gently refuse to accept. 

Some guys they think sending cute, cheezy and melty and candy text messages will impress ladies. Well as for me, I do not really know about other ladies, but as for me, the guy would make me vomit if he does so. Gedik, gelenya orang kata. So unwise.

Some guys think to have the same interest with the lady's, and to act as if they have the same interest would make the lady like him more. I really think men doing this has no stand in life. They are clueless with what they are doing.

Some guys do give cute little presents to ladies so that the ladies feel appreciated or they feel indebted. Haha. If so, I am not one of the ladies. I did not ask for any, but if you insist, why should I feel indebted?? Weirdo.

Some brave guys will confront the ladies to confess how they feel about the lady. Well what is being my question is, how can there be love when there are no relationship? Well I actually think, they are impressed about how the lady look, how the lady act and how the lady wore. That's it.

I mean as muslims we should know the boundary, we have limits between muslimiins n muslimahs so, why must you break the rule. Sometimes, when the guys attempt to call me honey, sayang, all those so called love names, I feel so insulted because I am a woman. In Islam, women are very precious. In a nutshell, to become the man of a family, what men should think of are stability in terms of finance, akhlak, job and stuffs so that he can create a beautiful family which will eventually create a beautiful bunch of community.  

So, to actually flirt a Muslimah, it is best to meet the father or the wali of the lady to carefully ask whether the lady has already have somebody on mind and then only he can proceed to the next steps. As simple as that. And if you're afraid you'll feel embarrassed if she already has somebody on mind, ask politely to keep it secret and the best is to not make it public before any relationship is created. 

As the matter of fact, Muslimahs would love to have men who protects but in the same time loves all his heart. Men n women are like invertebrates,, women are the soft part, men are the shell... =) I guess... thats's the best I can do. 

والله علم .. 

Shoe of the day : 
Took from Facebook in some Page.. It is just a shoe I like =)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

The New but Just Me

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

Alhamdulillah. This is the second semester I am going through for my very first year of undergraduating. Achieving graduation is really something not easy. To adapt to the religion, study, social, and surroundings, it takes me a few moments and I am really callanging myself to do it. For instance, I am challanging myself taking Arabic language which I knew nothing about it except for a few du'as which I do really not know what  the meaning is. Mom told me it is not a little thing I am doing. Alhamdulillah I realize that. Since I am not a quick learner and my memory is a little bit bad *i think very bad that I think I am having some tumor in each and every neoro transmitters no matter what it is, na'uthubillah*, I think understanding is the best way since I cannot remember. Alhamdulillah, I have been reading the translations of Quran, somehow I am not systematic in doing it and still I cannot remember them because of my poor memory so I think if I understand, in case I heard or recite any of Quran versions, I can totally understand. So far I learnt اهلا , اليوما يوم الإثنين , فرصة سعيدة , عيد ملاد سعيد , stuffs like that, I do really hope I can learn a lot. 

Being in college, I hold the stand to learn new things I cannot achieve. I do not prioratize What I achieve because I do not have good memory but I measure the effort I take to learn what I am taking.  Mashaa Allah. Just now I watched Dr. Zakir Naik. I do respect him very much for going into Quran, Veda, Bible, you name it. Insyaa Allah he can name you the verse, the sentence of each sentece you recite. His explainations to all answers are all relevant and are given evidence from the Quran, Bible, Veda or others. Alhamdulillah, Allah has make us have him in the world to preach us, share with us the knowledge he knows. 
Subhanallah. And one thing he said is for us Muslims to not be afraid for who we are. Caps, beards, Jubahs, Niqabs. There is no need to be afraid especially when we are abroad. Be proud to be a Muslim. 

So, what I really get by what he said just now is I do not have to think about what others say about how I look and what I wear whether be it is old fashioned or not exposing, whatever it is, what I really have to know is I do cover all my body except for my face and my palms. I am not sure about the Purdahs, I do not wear them, not encouraged to, I want to, but Insyaa Allah. I will put my effort on the basics first. Some people they have the eagerness, the 'i want to change' factor but needs support. That is why Muslims are very helpful to each other so that they feel they are supported by each other, Insyaallah. Now that at college I do attend the Mosque to perform Jama'ah prayers every time I am free, especially for Maghrib and Isya. I have never done Subuh but I hope to do it one day. *I sleep very well at night* Something that attracts me is to see the Arab children going to school nearby the mosque. Alhamdulillah, there is a community of Arabians and they are very supportive to each other.  What I like about Arabians are their eyes and skins. And eventhough they speak a little bit harshly, If we show some manners and if we speak nicely, put a smile on our face, they will definitely be very friendly with us. I just hope I can speak Arabic but they just talk too fast and I cannot cope. 

What else ye. Ouh. This is just me. I am adapting myself to this love-zone era so that I do not get involved with the cheezy melty thing. I just do not want to get hurt and I do not think loving my non-mahram is really a good thing I should practice. I don't think so. Moga-moga Allah kuatkan hati aku semasa sedang belajar. having friends is off course tapi secial ones I don't think so. TakNakYah (WafiStyle), Shiro(Korean), I don't want to(English), لا أريد (Arabic), they all bring the same meaning. 

I am not good at preaching. Since memory=not good, Quranic versions not so strong and my speech is so not convincing, so I guess I must make my heart hates bad deeds, and does none of them Insyaa Allah. 

و الله علم ... 

Shoe of the day : 
Took from Facebook in some Page.. It is just a shoe I like =)

The fact That We Cannot Shut Other's Mouth Up

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...

Pasti semua orang akan mula berperang mulut apabila disogok dengan perihal politik, tidak mengira usia daripada yang usianya muda remaja sehinggalah usia emas. Tidak saya nafikan setiap manusia mempunyai pandangan masing-masing mengenai politik. Begitu juga saya. 

Namun begitu, pada pendapat saya, kelantangan suara kita tidak seharusnya kita suarakan melalui politik. Perang politik jelasnya menampakkan ketidakmatangan sesuatu pihak dan mengakibatkan pergaduhan, perbalahan, perpecahan malahan penceraian. Saya pernah terbaca suatu artikel yang mengisahkan penceraian suami isteri yang telah bernikah hampir lima dekad oleh sebab perbezaan politik. 

Di Malaysia, sememangnya semua rakyat bebas menyuarakan pendapat masing-masing. Pada sudut pandangan saya sendiri, saya lebih suka membandingkan sesuatu skop kerajaan dengan skop instituisi lebih kecil seperti sekolah dan keluarga. 

Misalnya, pemilihan ketua pelajar di sekolah yang dilakukan oleh barisan guru pentadbir sekolah tisak semestinya mendapat persetujuan daripadaguru-guru lain dan para pelajar. Begitu juga dengan pemilihan ketua tingkatan, bukan semua pelajar di dalam sesebuah kelas itu akan berpuas hati dengan pemilihan ketu tingkatan mereka. Sekiranya perkara itu tidak diselesaikan, boleh terjadi perbalahan dan pembalasan dendam atau sabotaj atau paling mudah dan banyak berlaku ialah menjadi buah mulut orang ramai. Oleh itu, bukanlah sesuatu tanggungjawab yang kecil sekiranya seseorang itu dilantik apa-apa jawatan, maka kesediaan untuk menggalas bebanan tanggungjawab itu serta mendengar keluhan dan komen orang yang berada dibawah tadbiran kita harus ada. Mind set yang kukuh harus ada dalam minda supaya kita tidak mudah jatuh dek kerana mulut orang. 

Selain itu, pada pendapat saya, sudah menjadi lumrah manusia untuk 'mencuri hati' orang lain untuk memujuk dan memastikan diri kita diangkat dan dihormati atau disayangi. Misalnya, seorang kekasih akan menghadiahkan bunga-bunga segar kegemaran pasangannya untuk terus disayangi dan supaya pasangannya berasa dihargai. Seterusnya, seoarang guru hanya akan meminta bantuan pelajarnya apabila terdapat tugasan yang perlu disiapkan, contohnya menyusun buku di perpustakaan atau bantuan pelajar cemerlang sekiranya dilawati oleh pihak jabatan pendidikan yang datang memantau PnP atau untuk penilaian kerja kursus. Dan, seoarang ayah akan terus 'menafkahkan' kepada tanggungannya supaya mereka dapat terus berjasa kepada diri sendidri dan orang tua. Bukankah menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk menerima dan sebagai balasannya, kita lakukan yang terbaik dalam apa pun bidang yang kita lakukan. Contoh yang saya berikan adalah contoh-contoh yang sangat mudah kita lihat dalam kehidupan seharian dan dilalui oleh semua orang pada zaman kecilnya. 

Sebenarnya, pemimpin tidak dapat memuaskan hati semua rakyatnya. saya sangat bersyukur dengan apa yang sudah negara saya perolehi, bantuan kewangan, biasiswa, bantuan telefon pintar untuk pelajar, bantuan untuk warga emas, bantuan perumahan untuk rakyat yang baru ingin memulakan kehidupan berkeluarga, kemudahan untuk golongan kurang upaya dan wanita, sebagai seorang remaja yang waras, kebanyakan tanggungjawab saya diambil-alih oleh kerajaan negara saya . *tidak bermakna saya menyokong mana-mana pihak, saya juga masih mentah dan keliru mengenai pandangan semua golongan tentang politik* .  

CUMA SATU PERKARA YANG SAYA TAKUTKAN, IAITU KETIDAKAMANAN DAN PERBALAHAN SEKIRANYA POLITIK DIJADIKAN ISU UTAMA ATAU BUAH MULUT SEMUA ORANG TANPA ADA PENELESAIAN DAN KESEDARAN SEMUA ORANG. Saya sangat bersyukur semua pemimpin tidak kira kaum dan fahaman politik, sudi turun padang walau bagaimana sekalipun jadual mereka diatur untuk menghadiri upacara itu an ini, perasmian itu dan ini, menyampaiakan ucapan dan hadiah, sudah semestinya semua orang terikat dengan pekerjaan masing-masing. Ingat, kita sebagai manusia sendiri tidak dapat melakukan tanggungjawab kita dengan sempurna, bagaimana agaknya perasaan seseorang jika diasak dan disuruh mengetuai dan mengadili dengan sempurna. Kerana sikap kita yang judgemental lah, kita bukanlah menteri-menteri yang mengetuai pentadbiran kita hari ini. Tugasan kita tidak semudah yang semua orang sangkakan dan tugasan mereka juga tidak semudah yang kita semua sangkakan. 

Semua manusia tidak akan lari daripada fitrah ini. Walaubagaimanapun, kita tidak dapat mengawal mulut yang berbicara. Sebaiknya, jika kita tidak menyetujui dan jika kita hendak menentang, adalah lebih baik jika kita tidak menyeret orang lain sekiranya terdengar khabar angin yang tidak baik. TAKUT-TAKUT MENJADI FITNAH kepada orang lain. Wa na'uthubillah.. 

My point is, we are human beings. The fact is that human beings cannot just control and be the leader alone. It is the people who must support and have faith with the leader and it is the leader who must be super careful and concerns about tens of millions of people. Other than that, for a husband and wife couple, it is important for them to always be there for each other no matter what. 

ps : Saya tidak berniat menyinggung perasaan sesiapa. 


Shoe of the day : 

Took from Facebook in some Page.. It is just a shoe I like =)