بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
There is this one feeling that I can never overcome in my life that is afraid to loose my loved ones. Lately, I have been imagining things I never want them to happen. Only الله الخالك understands how I feel. It is unexpressible. Sometimes, I do have anger upon them when I disagree with their sayings, but deep in my heart, I know that what ever happens, they lived before me and surely they have a lot ef experiences, they are my ابي و امي , the one who cares about everything precisely, about how I act and think, finds for money, makes us comfortable on earth is ابي, the one who cares very much about my health and heart is امي, the one who cares about what I do and corrects me everytime I do careless stuffs and advises whenever I face difficulties with my friends who is اختي صغيرتي and she cleans my cuts and collects coins for my laundries who is اختي صغيرتي جد. What is sure is I can never buy them any where. They are created by الله ذالجلال والاءكرام and can never be replaced.الله اكبر ! والله الحمد ! Ya Rabbi, Kau lindungi keluargaku, jika kasihku pada mereka tak berbelah bagi, maka kasihMu kepada kami sesungguhnya lebih besar dari yang kami sangkakan. Kau mengetahu yang terbaik buat kami يا ربي ! Maka ampunilah dosa-dosa orang yang kami sayangi, peliharalah kesihatan mereka, jika mereka sakit maka permudahkan mereka untuk terus berusaha mengingatiMu dan kau permudahkan kehidupan mereka. Aku pohon Ya Allah, kau jauhkan mereka daripada godaan syaitan, jin dan makhluk Ya Allah. Jika mereka dianiaya, maka perkenanlah doa mereka Ya Allah. Mereka adalah nadiku Ya Rabbi.. Maka gembirakanlah mereka. Ya Allah, aku pohon, kau kasihilah mereka sebagaimana mereka juga mengasihi aku. Dan berikanlah rahmat dan berkahMu buat mereka. Perbaiki kesihatan ibu bapaku Ya Rabbii. You know how sick they are, please help them ease and adapt Ya Allah with the obstacles they face Ya Allah.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
There is this one feeling that I can never overcome in my life that is afraid to loose my loved ones. Lately, I have been imagining things I never want them to happen. Only الله الخالك understands how I feel. It is unexpressible. Sometimes, I do have anger upon them when I disagree with their sayings, but deep in my heart, I know that what ever happens, they lived before me and surely they have a lot ef experiences, they are my ابي و امي , the one who cares about everything precisely, about how I act and think, finds for money, makes us comfortable on earth is ابي, the one who cares very much about my health and heart is امي, the one who cares about what I do and corrects me everytime I do careless stuffs and advises whenever I face difficulties with my friends who is اختي صغيرتي and she cleans my cuts and collects coins for my laundries who is اختي صغيرتي جد. What is sure is I can never buy them any where. They are created by الله ذالجلال والاءكرام and can never be replaced.الله اكبر ! والله الحمد ! Ya Rabbi, Kau lindungi keluargaku, jika kasihku pada mereka tak berbelah bagi, maka kasihMu kepada kami sesungguhnya lebih besar dari yang kami sangkakan. Kau mengetahu yang terbaik buat kami يا ربي ! Maka ampunilah dosa-dosa orang yang kami sayangi, peliharalah kesihatan mereka, jika mereka sakit maka permudahkan mereka untuk terus berusaha mengingatiMu dan kau permudahkan kehidupan mereka. Aku pohon Ya Allah, kau jauhkan mereka daripada godaan syaitan, jin dan makhluk Ya Allah. Jika mereka dianiaya, maka perkenanlah doa mereka Ya Allah. Mereka adalah nadiku Ya Rabbi.. Maka gembirakanlah mereka. Ya Allah, aku pohon, kau kasihilah mereka sebagaimana mereka juga mengasihi aku. Dan berikanlah rahmat dan berkahMu buat mereka. Perbaiki kesihatan ibu bapaku Ya Rabbii. You know how sick they are, please help them ease and adapt Ya Allah with the obstacles they face Ya Allah.

Dan kau perkenankanlah doa ini buat ibu bapaku, adik2ku , ahli keluargaku, sahabat-sahabat handaiku, serta hamba-hambaMu seperjuangan denganku.. Matikan kami dalam Iman dan IslamMu!
امين يا رب العالمين دعوهم فيها سبحا نك اللهم و تحية فيها سلام واخر الدعواهم ان الحمدالله رب العلمين ...
Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)
Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)
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