Saturday, 29 December 2012

Recent Update :: Exam Around The Corner

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته...

It has been like weeks or moths I didn't update. Since it is another 3 days to final exam, my procrastinating level increases very highly and so now I am updating my blog and not revising. Haha. Well, I had a very bad day today due to something I din't really planned to happen. No worries it is not about hearty-cheesy-melty things. It's just me being emotional. Anyways, I beat my emotions well after about a 5-minutes non-stop cry-burst. That is long. I assume we can have a 500mL of tears for that long. Haha again. My father and my grandma came to my campus sending me Laksa Sarawak my sisters and mom prepared. I was so tired of crying that I finished the whole laksa (I think it was a meal for 2 and a half pple) in like 5-10 minutes using a maggi-cup fork. Pathetic : I cannot remember where i put my steel fork and spoon. Haha . 

So I am having final this January and I am not aiming for dean list result since I have done really bad in my semester assesments. I had all As, Bs, and even Cs for my assesments so, C is like 2.0 of ponter so I don't really hope for an A for the C-ed subject. I just wish I had my encouraging friends throughout the semester earlier. Never mind, Allah has written this so that I will do better in the coming semesters. Insyaallah I will. I am having Algebra on Tuesday, English on Friday, LKM and Programming on Saturday, Calculus on Tuesday and LAA on Thursday. Hope I'll do my best for all the final assesments. I do really have to fight myself to score. My procrastinating level is just too high. I just cannot focus for a very long time. Guess I need the formulated milk as in the TV advertisements so that I can stay focussed. Big laugh. 

Well, I guess that is fair enough. Short yet contenteous update. (Does that word even exist?????) Hope I can beat my emotions, score in my exam, my friends too, procrastinate less and make my parents proud for at least of pointer above 3.00. =) Insyaallah, Amiin Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin!

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)

Friday, 14 December 2012

Among the wish lists for my entire life

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..
السلام عليكم ..

What I really wish to have for my entire life :

1. I really wish to become a good hamba Allah that I wish to become a member of His Jannah. I do really put my effort on this and this really takes time. Only Allah understands me.And I would like to bring myself and my loved ones to Mecca, to perform Umrah and Hajj! I would really love to!

2. I would really like to complete my studies as farther as I could so I can make my mom and dad proud of me.

3.. To have a fine, wonderful, loving, tolerant, chill, caring and in short 'all in list' husband. Eventhough i know such guy does not really exist, but I hope at least my husbnad-to be will become a good husband of mine, and a good father as well, if Allah Wills it. 

4. I would love to have a store selling Muslimah attires, together with the niqabs, shawls and inner scarves as long as the Muslimahs will cover their Aurah and feel free to be beautiful. 

5. I would really like to become a wonderful mom that my children will love me like I do love my mom, or perhaps much than I do love my mom and hopefully to my husband-to-be too.

6. I want to have my own car so that I would not have to trouble my husband to buy one for me and I wish to have a Nikon 1 J2 in Red Orange.  

7. I want my family to stay safe and not leave me. If possible, I don't want them to leave me. Let me be the one who leaves them. Let me die first so that I won't die soully. I'm afraid i'll have my soul dead if I lose them. Omma gom, appa gom, dongsaeng gom, dongsaeng2 gom, saranghae.. You should know that my love to you guys are endless.

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

It Is Now The Time and Not The Time

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة...

The Time 

       I gave my grandmother a call just now. Last year, she went through an operation involving her spine. Now, she is recovering. However, since she is aged, she needs time to fully recover. Alhamdulillah, last month, my aunt gave birth to a baby boy, Ilham. My aunt and the baby was both in good state of health. Since my grandma has just came back from Kelantan (HUKM), so she asked when will we come back to our hometown. Omma gom  and appa gom, they have just arrived from my oversea hometown, Sarawak. Since mama and abah is not well, I have decided to spend my study week together with them, and nenek. Which means I will drive them back to hometown. What I noticed while answering to grandma's question, that is "It is now the time for me to take care for my mom and dad" which is true. Mom and dad,, eventhough they fight the pain, sometimes the pain could not be bared. Sometimes, it hurts when my other family members asks when can we go back? Seriously, appa gom, he is going through a lot. Spinal injury is not something 'just it'. I remembered, when appa gom was diagnosed about the sickness, it is not a deadly illness, but is very painful. Allah, He is giving the pain to abah to wash away his sins, Insyaallah.. Omma gom, after being diagnosed having minor stroke, she became weak. Whenever she gets sick, she will be really sick. This is the raeson I am worried if they go through long journey, that they will get sick. People! cannot you get this!? They are sick! Please, I beg you all. At least, understand the situation. Since it is time for me to take care of them, I myself have to grow up. Be mature. Decide well. Smile often. Focus. Studies should be my priority, but the top priority among my priorities is my parents. I hope my parents would understand my intention. I just love them,  cannot live without them and I wish to live with them until my last breath. الله اكبر ! I love them Ya Rabbii.. Give me time, that I can spend with them as long as I can. I know, I cannot be this emotional, because it is either one day I will lose them or they will lose me. Allahu 'alam...

Not The Time

       What is not time? When I see my friends having their 'calons' to become their whole-life-spouse, I'll become speechless. Yes. I should not look for one yet. One, because I am still furthering my studies, second, who on earth at my age can afford my living, unless he is elder than me, third, I do still have omma and appa gom, why do I waste them, forth, I do still have my ambitions and wishlists to be completed. Ya Rabb,, it is not easy to fight the feelings, the fitrah which women would be attracted to men, I do have them. But my target in my life, is something else. And when the time comes as You have written in Loh Mahfuuz..,, I will find one  Ya Allah. It is not the time for me to find love, my parents, and my sisters need me. Love you guys. Hope to see you guys in Jannah, hope our love ends Until Jannatullah!

May Allah bless u with His Barakah~
السلام عليكم...

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)

A song I Like at the First Listen

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم..
السلام عليكم..

Why? I am not sure myself, I get so emotional hearing this song that I repeated it so many times during revising. May Allah bless u with barakah dear friends.. Amiin~

Cinta Terakhir by Aiman  <click here for Youtube version>

Kau cinta pertamaku
Kau cinta terakhirku
Tiada apa yang bisa
Menafikan kasih kita

Kau ayu di mataku
Satu antara seribu
Tiada tara di dunia

Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan
Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan
Usah ragu dengan takdir

Kau ayu di mataku
Satu antara seribu
Tiada tara di dunia

Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan
Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan
Usah ragu dengan takdir

Mungkin kita kan berbeza haluan
Berakhirnya cerita percintaan
Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan

Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan
Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan
Usah ragu dengan takdir

Lagu/Lirik: Hafiz Hamidun
Artis: Aiman

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)

Sunday, 9 December 2012

I'm Just Afraid I'll Loose my Loved Ones

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

There is this one feeling that I can never overcome in my life that is afraid to loose my loved ones. Lately, I have been imagining things I never want them to happen. Only الله الخالك  understands how I feel. It is unexpressible. Sometimes, I do have anger upon them when I disagree with their sayings, but deep in my heart, I know that what ever happens, they lived before me and surely they have a lot ef experiences, they are my ابي و امي , the one who cares about everything precisely, about how I act and think, finds for money, makes us comfortable on earth is ابي, the one who cares very much about my health and heart is امي,  the one who cares about what I do and corrects me everytime I do careless stuffs and advises whenever I face difficulties with my friends who is  اختي صغيرتي and she cleans my cuts and collects coins for my laundries who is اختي صغيرتي جد. What is sure is I can never buy them any where. They are created by الله ذالجلال والاءكرام and can never be replaced.الله اكبر !  والله الحمد ! Ya Rabbi, Kau lindungi keluargaku, jika kasihku pada mereka tak berbelah bagi, maka kasihMu kepada kami sesungguhnya lebih besar dari yang kami sangkakan. Kau mengetahu yang terbaik buat kami يا ربي ! Maka ampunilah dosa-dosa orang yang kami sayangi, peliharalah kesihatan mereka, jika mereka sakit maka permudahkan mereka untuk terus berusaha mengingatiMu dan kau permudahkan kehidupan mereka. Aku pohon Ya Allah, kau jauhkan mereka daripada godaan syaitan, jin dan makhluk Ya Allah. Jika mereka dianiaya, maka perkenanlah doa mereka Ya Allah. Mereka adalah nadiku Ya Rabbi.. Maka gembirakanlah mereka. Ya Allah, aku pohon, kau kasihilah mereka sebagaimana mereka juga mengasihi aku. Dan berikanlah rahmat dan berkahMu buat mereka. Perbaiki kesihatan ibu bapaku Ya Rabbii. You know how sick they are, please help them ease and adapt Ya Allah with the obstacles they face Ya Allah.

Dan kau perkenankanlah doa ini buat ibu bapaku, adik2ku , ahli keluargaku, sahabat-sahabat handaiku, serta hamba-hambaMu seperjuangan denganku.. Matikan kami dalam Iman dan IslamMu!
امين يا رب العالمين دعوهم فيها سبحا نك اللهم و تحية فيها سلام واخر الدعواهم ان الحمدالله رب العلمين ...

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =) 

Friday, 7 December 2012

University Life

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Mah Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang...
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركا ته.. 

       Throughout my observations, during college, what is usually assigned is courseworks and assignments which are continuous assessments throughout the semester. Unlike at school, college results is not 'wholely' depending on our final examination but are partially assessed by our assignments, quizzes, course works and final examination which usually gives the highest marks of all.

       Students do usually plagiarise since they feel they have insuffiecient time in which I do not really agree about the plagiarism. Well, as for me, it is better to observe and do it myself rather than to copy the whole thing. I do borrow my friends' assignments, but I do never copy everything and just submit them. To me, the attitude of that is very much irresponsible. 

       To work on assessments, you will either do them individually or in group. There might be obstacles to finish everything if the case is to do them in group. I do not mean group works are not good. For some group works, if you have irresponsible group members, then it will become a burden to you. My advice is if you are assigned to do something, you better do your own copy regardless of the tasks you are given in the group. 
       Why am I saying so? I had several experiences ding group works, where the member did the task last minute making everybody panic. Well, other than that, I had a friend going back to hometown without completing the task and asking the other members to finish them. Other, the member did not know how to do the task and remain silent until the moment we wanted to compile and giving such irrelevant excuses such as the computer broke down and such. 

      Peer pressure is also an issue when you live in college. Since you do not know with whom you are dealing with, so you have to be careful. Some people take advantage of you, asking you to complete their assignments, wants to come with you to class because you have a car or motorcycle, small matters and unexpectable. But well, since you live at people's place and do not have your family with you, so you have to adapt with the friends. Be good to everybody but not too good. Aleays remember that you are surviving to live in your studies so there must be jealousies, grudges and cheats. 

       Society is something you should join and enjoy with but not too much. Some society makes you become slaves, do this and that. And all you know, at the end of the semester, the society will never give you marks for your exams. Or in harsh words, they won't help you any better in your exams. Society makes you become more experienced, but all you have to do is contol and limit yourself to several, let us say 4 society activities per semester. That would make you maintain your social and your studies in the same time. 

      These are apart of the matters being like viruses or burdens which I did observed at college for three semesters i''ve been in. You can ask other more experienced ones about the lifes in college, maybe your elder sisters and brothers or your parents. There are so many spices about the students and lecturers, all are overwhelming, unexpectable, funny, fun, pitiful, and all in all could be something new and something u have heard about. 

و الله علم...

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =) 

Sunday, 2 December 2012

احب امي و ابي و اختان صغيرتاني !

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم .. 
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang...
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته... 

نعم , احب امي و ابي و اختي صغيرتان... هل انت؟ 
Ya, Saya menyayangi Ibu, bapa, dan 2 org adik saya? Bagaimana dengan anda?

       Basically I am taking Arabic Language at fundamental level, hopefully I can at least understand Arabic Language. Arabic Language is actually a language which is particular with the مؤنث (women) and مذكر (men) stuffs.. It is pretty much easy to learn though,, but of course with a lot of patience and passion... =)

       Well, about the Topic. I do really miss my weekend with my mum, my dad and my sisters. Eventhough I do have test tomorrow and on Tuesday, I just cannot really focus revising. =) My sisters will be 'proud' if they read my entry.  

       I had a family which celebrates weekends along the beach, eats everything we can and just drive the car as long as we are together untill one day, Allah took away the health نعمة from abah and mama. It is not that we are having fight, but practically my dad is suffering from lumbar degeneration, so he is feeling a lot of pain. I am pretty much emotioned seeing him in pain, but I can do nothing. =') my father, Appa gom usually acts normal as if he feels no pain. This is a lot of pain to me. The day my mom, Omma gom was attacked by minor stroke, I thought It was the ending. I started imagining my days with out my mom and dad. Those stuffs drove me crazy. My sisters, I didn't really put attention on them those days. 

       Now that الحمد الله omma gom is getting better after like 2 months of recovery.  The moment I got my offer to the university, everything seems useless. I wanted so much to become a student of the university nearby my house, but I knew the course were not into me. I mean I am not into the course. So, I took the offer to the university located like 40 minutes away from home. At least, I am near and I can visit my parents and sisters at weekends. Of course at my age of 19, mom and dad is not where other teenagers depend on, but as for me, relying on them is very important. 

      So far everything is going well. It is just that my father's injury is getting a bit worse since he took an injection wich needs whole life taking. Since he is getting a bit busy, he coudln't find the time to take the shot and so he feels a lot of pain. Just imagine how painful it is when it involves bones. Basically, appa gom's back and arms are affected since it involves the spine. Operation will help,, but the percentage of succeed is little than failure. So appa gom decided not to undergo surgery because my sister was about to take her exam, I was about to enter university and my another sister is taking a big exam next year. Appa gom is so self-sacrifying. I can proudly say that no father can replace him. This is why I love him so much. 

     Omma  too. I know that I am a sleepy, bumpy head. I am a very lazy girl. So usually, when I come home, omma gom will be the one preparing breakfast and lunch and dinner. She will do them all without our help hoping we will revise and study. What is amazing is that she never says anything about that , So I hope my hardworking mood will appear whenever I come home. And omma never runs away when either me, my sisters or my father gets sick. She will take wet towel as soon as possible to make sure our body temperature lowers. How lovely my mom is. 

       I just hope that I will become a lovely mom like omma gom and my husband-to-be will bbecome an inspireable dad like appa gom.إن شا الله  ~

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)