Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang..
I want to shout this to Malaysians.. (actually a lot more but these are the ones in my head during writing this entry post)
That we already have a peace country and it is not a need to fight over politics!
That muslims in Malaysia is enjoying so much and we need to always remember that we are Allah's and whatever it is, we are nobody but slaves who have to obey Allah and nothing else.
That I hate my studies being picked and I want a free self-plucking-like studying system beacuase I am not genius like others.
That we are compliment to each other and we should live in our country in peace.
That we should have a well planned economy and buildings are not supposed to be built when somebody has money to buy lands, but to be built accordingly to our construction plans and is best is to be by blocks .
That Malaysian Muslims should realise that we are muslims and we should have barriers between non-mahrams , women should realise that we have men watching us and men having our sins burdened under their responsibilities.

That if we follow the rules , we are gonnna get everything rite!
That I want so much everything of the above to happen.. =)
Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)
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