Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang...
As a 19, I do have the intention to become a woman to be loved. Sooner or later I will become a woman who deserves the love from a man whether I do know him or vice versa . Well, my entry this time is to focus on what I want when I have myself becoming a wife. Obviously that is going to take a lot of years further to happen, but I like to plan earlier. So, let us plan.. Haha.
A dream I wanted so much is to visit Baitullah eventhough I have just visited the place about 5 months a go. I tell you, even 5 days will make you miss Mecca so much. I have been there when I was 18 and I wish like infinity times to be there again with my family and my loved ones.
Since I want this so much, so I am planning to 'reward' myself a visit to Baitullah , either as my mahar or as my hantaran. can that be? well, I'm just saying what I wanted. Either Allah wills it or not i'll just take it and besides i have done everything it could take to make my dream come true. So don't get harmed because I'm harmless. haha.. Ok, to finalise this, i'll take Umrah / Hajj and the other expenditures i'll have them all minimized .

Shoe of the day :
Took from Facebook in some Page..
It is just a shoe I like =)
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