Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Siblings and love

Assalamualaikum..., Hi.. 

How people actually show their love between siblings, they differ based on how they are educated and taught since they were small. Some family, they are well educated yet the love between siblings just never works but some does in certain ways. The same thing goes to the less educated family but having such great  chemistry between the family members, but also, necer works in certain ways ^_^" 

Alhamdulillah I am born from a family which has equivalent love and attention. =) Being among the eldest in both mom's and dad's family, I feel pleasured to see my little brothers and sisters happy. What ever they want, I will give my all to just fullfill them, what ever they wish, I will do my best to have them done and what ever I own that they would love to use, tafaddhal little babies! Yes! They are all babies in my eyes. Even though those babies are as big and even bigger than I am. -.-" Abang Ayid, Abg Ayie, Kak Idah, Kak Inah.. Those are the only brothers and sisters I have. Seeing them happy with what they do, mashaa Allah, I will feel the same. In fact I feel like there are flowers and cartoons flying around me. (so very dramatic)

Also, Faizal, Deah, Eeda, Arif, Myah, Siti, Mardhiah, Ayoi, Meme,  Pikah, Along, Ahmad, Angah, Kakak, Acik, Aizat, Aiman, Adli, Haris, Amoi, Iqah, Kak anis, Qaseh, Hakim, Ajim, Naufal, Wafi, Ilham, Sofea, Rafiq and Nafis, these dozens of worms are my younger brothers and sisters. ^_^" I know I have so many little babies to attend. But hey, why not we play some role so that all of us siblings love for each other regardless of how we show our loves. As long as we do not put ourselves in trouble and fights and the negative auras, right? 

Soon I'll be having nieces and nephews. =) Abang Ayid is getting married so I'm looking forward to become an aunt ^_^" how awesome ! ;) 

And so, we can have a better love spreaded environment. Peace and harmony and unity. Those are all that we need. And of course to be obedient sons and daughters for our better aakhirah future. =) Also, I pray that my sisters and brothers in Egypt, or Suriah or Myanmar or wherever they are, as long as they are muslims, Allah has taught us a lot about peace and unity. Jealousy and tension will only create fight and double the tension. Like how it is today. As we can see, those black and closed and full of hatred and bad hearts, they are in small number compared to the good ones, but is enough to just create wars and damages and harms the whole country. Allahu akbar. He knows what are the best for us His worshipers. Praise be to Allah for the shahids. =) So where else can we start the love and peace environment to ensure peace and unity?? from our family of course. Spread the love. Spread the 'translucent, clean' heart.. <3 <3 <3 May Allah ease us muslims, and non muslims so that we love, believe and be pleasured for one another, insyaaAllah~ 

sisters and brothers! 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt. Bismillah.. 

I've been thinking about what to write since I've been thinking about a lot of stuffs lately, and alhamdulillah today I wanna write about modesty. =) 

How Islam teaches us muslims about modesty? Well, there are so many deeds which shows how we can act moderate, one of them is by fasting in the month of Ramadhan. basically there are many reasons for muslims to fast in the month of Ramadhan , one of them is to experience how the unfortunate feels when they are insufficient of food and drinks while the other brothers and sisters enjoys luxury. So, indirectly, all muslims, young or old, rich or poor, as long as they are muslims, they all will be grateful for the earnings they obtain for the month or day, for sure there are several rules to be practiced during the fasting period =)

And to imply the gratefulness during Ramadhan into our daily life, we act, speak, eat and spend moderately to just have some consideration for how the unfortunate live their lives. So, when we own some luxury in life, surely we have to be more thankful to The Almighty God and we should practice amar makruf nahi mungkar better than before =) 

Spending is really an action most people cannot resist. =) Me myself too. When I see things that pleasure my eyes such as wedges, handbags and shawls, or if I get to treat my little babies, my mind won't think properly that sometimes, I can make myself eating at minimized quantity. -.-" nappeun yoja! haha... over... Astaghfirullah~ Somehow, my mom really has taught me how important it is to spend wise. So, wise spender I am... haha,, when it comes to serious matters la, but if it is about silly things, I just never think twice but just barge into them! LOL~ ish3, as what ppl say in malay language, "membazir amalan syaitan"="wasting is syaitans' deed".. =)

Therefore, that is how I shall live. Not too luxurious nor too bad. =) As for me, back up plans are very important. Also, sometimes the term "as long as you have one" is crucial... =) Like when you intend to own a car or a house, try not to choose based on it's brand or price. As long as you have one, be thankful praise be to Allah, that you have one. ^_^" Think of the long term effects too, such as what if u get bankrupt, how would you deal with the installments, or what if you die, how would ur family deal with the installments, or what if it gets stolen, how would you deal for the lost, etcetera2... =) 

All in all, try to be moderate, live like normal pple and not try to look special. Because specials are looked forward, but they are not necessarily liked. =)

Sunday, 25 August 2013

He's not listening =(

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,, and a very pleasant evening to my dear fans (haha..),, well,, i know I get a little crazy lately and idk why am i acting so.. ^_^" Somehow the craziness couldn't beat the adultness and the maturity of mine (haha again). what???!

Just saying. He's not listening. I said A but he wants B so now I'm worried. Bukan apa, saya sungguh la particular bila mai tang duit. xcaya? cer tgok prgai adik2 saya. sebijik mcm saya - tp bab duit ja la~ huhuhu,, walaupun saya yg start prgai kedekut tu tp depa yg melebih so saya xla teruk sangat... 3=) haaa~ bila geram ni start la ckp melayu.. -.-" acewah bajet omputih... =( tak2... satgi offended pulak kan,, 

=( ~somehow I'm sorry for myself for being so pity~ )=

tu je... 

Saturday, 24 August 2013


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يا اصدقأي~

Well3. It has been like decades since I last updated the blog (hyperbolic huhh..).. So I've been thinking for some relevant topics to be written but then I don't feel like writing about serious matters, so I came up with this topic. Routines. 

So what are some routines of mine that I practice daily or weekly or monthly or yearly or whatever is gradual and anual? =/  hehe... when it comes to thinking, I usually have no idea of what I usually do... =) 

Okay firstly, as what we can see and read I write on my blogs at least once a month. I previously write in a diary but found it much easier to just type and write and think in the same time, on my blog so,, here I am writing on my blog ^_^" and having the beautiful flower backgrounds and colors and fonts and sch, those things just enhance the mood to write. (haha...) 

Second of all, skin care is some routines I do but not too much. Let's just talk about look care. I do not do make-up-ing but recently I like to just apply some foundations or BBs. If you know what those are. I'm new too. (haha...) My sisters introduced them to me. My baby sisters yea. (az21na is so outdated you know -.-") Since I rarely meet my family, maybe only on weekends, so each time I go home I'll look for my 'special' cloth-wear to just be in the mood of meeting my beloved ones. =) Hijab. I'm a Hijabis,, I am very particular about how I put on my hijab. (of course, each and every woman has to be particular, not to intentionally look pretty but to make sure she covers  up her aurah).. So I prefer shawls, and I will consider some criteria before I own one or I wear one. =) Colour? Ouh. I'm a coriang type so, I don't really have problems about choosing. Shoes? I like them higher. =) Eventhough, it is not good for my spine structure, =D , I just can't refuse to seek the pleasure and satisfaction in them. Curves are curves. They happened. Now that I can't fix it so why worry ^_^" It is not that I have gave up, it is the fact, the reality =) 

Okay, so cooking routine. I hate cooking. to be honest. Because I just don't have talent and patience in doing such things. =) somehow I will become a wife so i'll have to fit in sooner or later ^_^" But if I cook, I like everything clean after I cook. The wall, the wok, the whatever la. Also, I like to be alone in the kitchen. =) and I like to put whatever I think will suit the dish. 3=) hahaha!

Supplementary routine? I mean in terms of medications. Erm, I prefer Evening Primerose Oil or Habatus Sauda' or Alfalfa or Spirulina or B-Complex . Those are particularly for skin or lady care. =) 

Yeah, last one, online routine. I've wrote about blogging routine, also, kerigu, the online routine such as emailing, facebooking, twitting, wechatting, whatsapping, whatever you call them, I do them everyday. Not to mention, the very light gaming. =) But I prefer playing wo paying. (stingy...) ^_^"

Hope I wrote well. So sleepy. =) So relieved. No stress for me and also for the ones reading. aamiin~ Also,, don't forget to pray for the the ones in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, the countries being prosecuted. Allah ma'akum~

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The importance of your diet in fighting scoliosis!

The importance of your diet in fighting scoliosis!

Written By: Aatif Siddiqui D.C.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that affects much adolescence today. If there is a family history of scoliosis the likelihood of your child getting scoliosis is very high. In today’s world we now have a genetic test called scolioscore that can help to determine the probability of progression once your child has scoliosis. There are other factors that are related to ones scoliosis getting worse or even triggering it and that is diet.

Have you heard you are what you eat? Well it is true! Your body uses the proteins fats and carbs that you eat to build your body. Why is this important? Well garbage in garbage out. I believe one of the major issues why scoliosis is so prevalent now a days is because the quality of the food we eat is so poor. IN part due to dual income generating homes to support a greater cost of living, today’s dinner tables are plagued with convenient, fast-food, processed food. This is because both parents are working just to make ends meet and there is no times to prepare a good quality meal. But lets say you are more fortunate and one of the parents can stay home to cook good meals, well it is nearly impossible to find quality ingredients. Farming today is different than years ago. Hence, fruits, vegetables and meats different — nutrient deficient and worse and toxic. The label ‘organic’ means less and less each day. Consider strawberries fro instance, ‘organic’ strawberries are still sprayed with pesticides a few times. Organic beef can still be grain fed or grass fed and grain finished. Grain finished is still no good because it means the last 30% of there life they ate grain. Grain is not the diet of a cow nor is corn the diet of a chicken. Free-range chickens does not mean they spent their life out doors peck for worms and grubs, this is their diet. What happens the food is toxic or of poor quality. Then you feed this toxic food to a child that has the scoliosis gene and the body cant fight the gene, but this goes with any of the diseases that they trace back to some genetic trait.

Key things are to stay away from fast food sodas sugary drink. Also make sure to feed your child organic fruits and vegetables ideally from a local farm that you know or is well regarded. When it comes to beef make sure it is grass fed and grass finished. Ensure dairy and eggs, a great source of protein, come from cows and chickens, respectively, that are free-roaming and grass fed and grass finished. Chickens should be true free range living most of their life outside not stuck in a coup. Choose water is your drink choice. Consider doing food allergy, heavy metal, and neurotransmitter test. Avoid foods that trigger allergies or sensitivities. All of this compromise the immune system. Supplements in today’s world I think are necessary also to make up for the vitamins you can not get from the food you are presently giving to your child. Always consult with your Doctor as my opinions are merely my opinions.

copied and pasted from Treating Scoliosis