Assalamu'alaikum and Hi...
I recently noticed that I have changed a lottle. Yes I meant little but a lot. Well, attitude-wise insyaaAllah I'm still the same person...
But in terms of how I manage myself, that has changed.
Normally, every time I wish to go out, I'll just decide the last minute, or just simply go out whenever I think I should. Now that I have make efforts to plan my day, where to go, when to go, which to go first and should I even go. I have this "tonne" of collection of scarves and shirts hanged, so I'll just grab whatever I THINK suitable and "BEAUTIFUL" and put them on, wallah... I'm ready... Of course la with my aurah properly covered insyaaAllah.
Well, for some this is just a small matter but for me it is massive. Because consequently, I learn to iron my shirts, my scarves and even my pants! Can you believe that?! Because ironing is never a Yay for me. I usually yell and get mat at my sisters seeing them so carefully ironing their SWEAT PANTS... what?? So far I haven't went so far to even iron sweat pants, but I can't just condemn them anymore since, I'm starting to do what they do... fiuuhhh.... I haven't started to wax my scarf... I don't know... Okay,, mouth zipped! HAHA...
Well, I think probably because I'm getting a step ahead towards marriage, that I think maybe people will notice me or something. LOL! but this is really funny!
I realized things when I was getting ready for a so-called date and by that time I had to send my sister off first to her hostel. But then I haven't prayed yet, so I prayed in her room. Before I excused myself, I finish off my hijab and surprisingly, the hijab won't do and I BORROWED my sister's iron to smooth it off. And that was really weird and odd. So my sister wondered what was going on. She asked and I blushed that I had to told her everything. LOL. It was a moment of embarrassment for serious. And it was a moment of realization that I HAVE CHANGED!