Monday, 20 January 2014

I notice

Bismillahi awalu wa akhir~ 
Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t... 

Couple weeks ago I heard these old people sharing stories about how some women dress. MashaaAllah I was shocked at first, sad at second and overwhelmed at last. It was about some women wearing those burqa, the piece of cloth some women wear to cover half of their face, on their faces. =) There are so many opinions by so many scholars about this whole burqa thing. I don't know which is true and which to be hold onto, I do not practice it yet I am not against what those noble muslimaat are doing. Some women, not only they dislike the fact that those women burqa are wearing striving the hardest to become good 'abiids, they do also spread unnecessary things about them. 

The women I heard, they were saying about how the women eats. How it is troubling the women to put the food in their mouth and have themselves full. Some thinks it is troublesome to wear such big, fussy, colorless, and fashionless cloth on their body. My question is why bother? A friend of mine thinks, if a burqa is worn, the attitude should completely change, we have to be as silent as a pin drop, as possible, act mature, be passive, no nothing. So, if lets say I wear that cloth piece, it's as if it is not fun anymore to make jokes and to make friends which is nonsense. These judgement are just falsely thought and manipulated and it should be changed. 

To me, as long as they are not disturbing us as whole, again, why bother? what about the shirtless, clothless, all half naked women, why not do we talk about them instead and why insult the ones with great and noble intentions? The fact that women wearing burqa, the women to even wear as perfect as how the Syari'ah has set (cover the whole body except for the hand palms and face), is a hard thing to accomplish already, do we have any idea what those burqa women are up to? Yes, they are troubling themselves but Lillahi ta'ala... And what about us, how far is our journey to become good 'abiids? 

Well, what I am trying to say is, spread less, especially about the supposely-good things which are wrongly judged. But to spread noble things for all's practice, that is a different story. Think wise. If it is a strory you think is appropriate for 'the moral of the story' kind of thing, spread with necessary notes and advises. =) Hopefully people gets the message...

Allah ma'akum..

Sunday, 12 January 2014

How Muslimiin and Muslimaat Behave with their pictures

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim, and


Pictures are a private belongings of ours which we may cherish wonderful moments among our loved ones. Well, I post my pictures too, on Facebook and Instagram, but minimized on Facebook, deleted part of them and planning to delete the current account and create a new one. I do not post pictures of mine on twitter as mine is publicized, foods and cloths and interests would be okay instead. I like it, and I am sure many of us like it to share happiness, joy, whatever it is, together with their friends, and the easiest and fastest may is through the social networks. 

We do not post pictures of ours (Muslimaat) as we are afraid we may bring fitnah to the men and other people, especially ones with pose which are uncomfortably seen, not suitable for non-mahrams' viewpoint. 

But then, what happened to me, was when this one Muslim showed me pictures of a Muslimah, I became emotional. I felt sad. Because the muslimah took care of herself quite well. She dresses well. She behaves. But, unfortunately somebody spreads the picture of her. Maybe the Muslim shares to me as the matter of trust, thank you, but still, IDK why must I feel sad. Maybe because the first thought I had was when people spreads my very own private pictures, even with my Aurah fully covered. And imagine if it is not. Do we call it pity, or is it pathetic? o.O :'( Akhi, if you are reading this and you think you are the one I'm talking about, I'm sorry I'm writing this. But this is for the sake of my akhawat. Allahu. I write this Lillahi Ta'ala. 

So Muslimaat, before the Muslimiin, or even other Muslimaat ourselves spreads off our pictures, do all it takes to put our pictures off the social media, slowly and unnoticed. =) InsyaaAllah. may Allah Bless us all. 

Noemu Yeppu

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

What is to be Proud of?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

At my age, alhamdulillah, I am lucky enough to get myself to pursue college like other people. So there are a lot of things to be proud of, to show off in the duration of the studies. Of what you learn, of when you have your days off, of how you strive to get something, of when you graduate from your studies. All those, on the other side of the world, of whom their studies are all delayed or even to completely stop, are aches to them. I assume, especially whom the studies are postponed for certain unwanted reasons.

Recently, because i've been worrying about my career pursue in the future, and because i've been noticing some posts by my friends of my age, who happens not to proceed themselves in studies, about how proud they are with their job. Feeling like left behind is not really the major problem. Maybe a little. But I'm happy when my friends keep on motivating themselves whenever they felt bad about something, and they needed something to cheer up, I feel happy and proud for them, in Malay we say tumpang happy, happy on their behalves.

The fact that  each and every opportunity everybody is trying the very best to grab the best is undeniable by anybody on earth. The fact that each and every trouble everybody is going through is unimaginable by anybody on earth. And the fact that each and every sweat and blood each and everybody wants to redeem with rests are way much precious than everything is totally crazy.

So, whatever you are doing, be clear that there are a lot more out there who wants your place badly, because theirs are worse and suffocating. Be thankful, alhamdulillah for being who you are.

Allah ma'akum. <3

Spread the love.