Assalamualaikum n Hi there.
So I attended a talk which actually discusses about the students' 'struggles' upon graduating. =) The panel were Anwar Hadi who is a vlogger and Imam Muda Falhrul, who I did not really knew who they are. Well, the conclusion to the talk was :
Ok let me just explain in bahasa Malaysia. =) I do no know if I agree what the ustaz is saying but each and everyone has their own point of view.
Dalam sesi soal jawab, ada persoalan apakah 'rules' yang perlu diikuti sekiranya pelajar mahu bercinta (ustaz menerangkan xsalah bercinta).
Jawab ustaz : InsyaaAllah sekiranya pelajar dapat menepati 5 perkara :
~ menundukkan pandangan
~ menjaga aurat
~ tidak bersentuhan
~ ada hijab/batasan dalam pergaulan
~ tidak melunakkan suara
Selagi pelajar boleh menepati 5 perkara yg disebutkan, maka bercintalah.
Semoga tidak disalahinterpretasi oleh muslimin muslimat yg lain. Hal ini cuma pendapat beliau. =)
Friday, 26 April 2013
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
How much I miss Puncak Alam
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كيف حالك؟
Puncak Alam is one of the calmest and prettiest place I have ever been. =) I had my generous aunts staying nearby me so I was like the luckiest student ever, having the driving facility, having lunch outside the campus with my aunt, and having awesome weekends at their homes. =)
What is so famous at UiTM Puncak Alam is the death stair cases. I have never counted but I was told there were 256 sub-stairs*do we call it substair?? I dont know, it's the each one*... So, each and every student has to climb down the stairs to get from the hostels to the lecture halls and climb up the stairs to get from the lecture halls to their hostels. Nightmare right?? Or, another option is, you can use the Rapid bus , paying RM 1 per trip, going down n up (one way).. The university bus was useless. They never stopped. So everybody just stayed the whole day downstairs to save money and energy. Another thing is when everybody plans to go to pasar malam on Wednesday, then u'll see a packed-sardine like rapid bus. You will have to wait for the bus down the hill on this to easily get on the bus, because there are pple waiting for the bus on the hill, where it had to U-turn n pick the other down the hill again on the other side. Sounds compilcated huhh... Since Puncak Alam's road are pretty curvy, far n hilly, most of the pple preferred bus rather than to walk. It takes a week to walk at least. LOL. Hyperbola again.
Other than having those (shall i say benefits), I love UiTM so much for the cushy cushions in the lecture halls and having the lamps at the last row not switched on, providing the best environment for us to take naps. Having everyone from the course learning from the same lecturers, and having crazy minded youths in the same hall made everything be perfect. Everybody had their own crazy roles every time we had assignments and tests, when some students prefer to watch Korean movies till morning rather than studying at night, or even watch football (Engineering students just love football, both girls and boys) till morning, or to sit in the last row of the lecture hall to copy assignments or lab reports during the lectures, or even to have serious naps (YES i meant SERIOUS) in the bright lecture hall.
And then when it comes to the season where everybody gets our incentives, everybody just 'ran' to the "luxurious" restaurant (it was the one n only Pendeta) and indulge themselves with expensive food, or some just goes to Shah Alam and buys new cell phones what ever you call it. =) And then everybody just showed off what ever they have bought for theselves. It's just hilarious to recall everything.
Another thing is that the hostels for Engineering students, for the girls la, there were about 8 girls per room having 4 rooms per floor and 4 floors (maybe 5) out of 7 (ke 9 ntah) equipped making the Engineering students 8x4x5=160 at most. =) Engineer girls are just so very tiny part of the hostel making us so close together. And, having all muslims in the hostel made us just wander around the place freely like gas molecules. =D hyperbola k.
And too, I had crazy classmates who came from all over Malaysia. Pahangites, Penangites, Kedahans, Terengganunians, Kelantanese, Sabahans, Johorians and Selangorians. They were all just awesome. Having nightmare courses such as programming made us so good together. Eventhough we have different backgrounds and speak different Malay languages, we all have the one value-unity. We just help each other eventhough we just knew each other for a year. And my best friends, Fatihah and Syafikha. They were real friends. =) I can't forget their craziness and stupidity (not being rude yea, we were crazy n stupid during the year) through out the year. =) Ouh. and another best friend is Din. My cousins' cousin frim Kelantan. we just exchange exam questions, tutorial answers and even assignments. Whenever he had class till night or he wanted to puasa the next day, i'll just help him buy nasik, xnk pedas2. choosy! He's now studying in Johor anyways. So far. I'm here in the north and him in the South. Bye2 Din... hahaha~ and yeah, he is not my special friend, he already has his 'soul friend', not yet mate yea, belum nikah but insyaaAllah will do in the future... I'll pray 4 u n Izma ye din.. ;) And my roommate, Hidayah is my crazy room-friend. We just shout through the window when we felt pressured (fyi, there is a cafe *I call it the colosseum because of it's shape* infront of our room, we were on the 3rd floor), and watch Korean movies till morning having the lights not switched on because we watched since the day. Ayo. Then, when we were hungry or it Athan-ed, then only we realized ourselves never moved from our lappy. Awesome dayah!
Ouh and last but not least, the view was the awesomest thing ever. I can see the view of a munawwarah-ed city from a hill (because the campus is on the hill). And every morning, u wake up seeing the fog in between the hills, the trees and even the buildings. Ya Allah! Subhanallah. His creations are the best.

nahhh~ a nice pearl-shining heels... =)
Source : Facebook
Nightmares or Dreams
Bismillahi arrahmaan arrahiim..
I am not sure whether I am talking about this one dream, is a nightmare or it should be something really meaningful in my life. annd if u notice I am posting this entry at 2 am in the morning. o.O . Can't sleep. Somehow, I came across some hadeeth from Islam in Action wordpress, where it says
Sayidinah Qatada reports that Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Good dreams are from Allah and the evil dreams are from satan. If one sees a dream which one does not like, one should spit on one’s left side and seek the refuge of Allah from the satan; (spitting 3 times means to resemble the gesture of spitting, not actual splitting with a mouthful of saliva. Such a gesture will help that) it (the dream) will not do one any harm, and one should not disclose it to anyone and if one sees a good dream one should feel pleased but should not disclose it to anyone but whom one loves.(In other words, disclose it only to people that are pious, honorable, etc.)Muslim: Book 29, Number 5618
Sayidinah Jabir (radiAllaahu anh) reported that Rasulullah(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: If anyone sees a dream which he does not like, he should spit on his left side. (Resemble the gesture of spitting, not actual splitting with a mouthful of saliva.)Muslim: Book 29, Number 5620
Sayidinah Abu Huraira reported that Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: When the time of Qiyamah gets closer, a believer’s dream can hardly be false. And the truest vision will be of one who is himself the most truthful in speech, for the dream of a Muslim is the forty-fifth part of Prophecy, and dreams are of three types: one good dream which is a sort of good tidings from Allah; the evil dream which causes pain is from the satan; and the third one is a suggestion of one’s own mind; so if any one of you sees a dream which he does not like he should stand tip and offer prayer and he should not relate it to people, and he said: I would love to see fetters, but I dislike wearing of necklace, for the fetters is (an indication of) one’s steadfastness in religion. The narrator said: I do not know whether this is a part of the hadith or the words of Ibn Sirin.Muslim: Book 29, Number 5621
I dont really know whether my dream is a good dream which is a sort of good tidings from Allah or an evil dream which causes pain is from the satan or is a suggestion of my mind. And if we think that our dream are nightmares, we better not tell people abt the dream but to our close ones.

I always have my dreams as if it happened and I confirmed myself about it in my dream, double or 3 times, but then finding myself in reality again. =) Sometimes wishing everything should have happened and sometimes wishing the dream shouldn't happen. Istighfar. =)
Ouh and this a heel i like.. Just like the shine it reflects. =) Of course, I'm a diamond right =) Facebook source.
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